Monday, December 17, 2007

Avoid The Creative Abyss

The creative process is important. Without it, the world of marketing and advertising would be lost, because creative ideas inspire people to take action.

Unfortunately, the creative process is also a black hole where the unwary enter, never to return.

The creative process requires lots of time, and it is complex. This lengthy process includes many time-consuming activities, from concept, strategy, and planning, to dozens of specific details pertaining to production, printing, data selection and management, and more.

When businesses are planning and deliberating over what to do, they often lose valuable selling time.

If it takes them two months to launch a lead generating campaign, that is two months of lost responses… and lost sales. Once lost, there’s no earning it back: not a month, not six, not a year.

Businesses often procrastinate when it comes to de-ploying a lead generation campaign because they are afraid of doing the wrong thing, and with good reason. Doing the wrong thing can be expensive. But if doing the wrong thing is expensive, consider how expensive it is to do nothing.

One way to eliminate the creative abyss is to start small. A simple yet well-conceived lead generation activity such as a fold-over postcard, traditional sales letter with a business-reply card, or a simple flyer is better than a grand plan of nothing. There's still a creative process, just more manageable.

Another is to hire a professional team –– one fully experienced in the process of generating leads.

While relying on and investing in a professional team increases your out-of-pocket costs, it more often than not increases your response. The investment justifies itself time and time again.