Friday, July 13, 2007

Takes Longer; Costs More

When it comes to business, some people are lucky. Like magic their idea… their business model… their plan work clockwork. Overnight, they’re off and running... all the way to the bank!

For most of us, however, there seems to be a natural law that pushes us in the opposite direction. It goes like this:

Everything takes longer and costs more
than you ever plan for... or think it will.

When we’re in a planning mode, things are extremely clear in our thoughts. We want to see everything working just as planned. And while we may think about contingencies, human nature compels us to focus on a perfect, ideal, and harmonious outcome.

But when the time comes to launch, the reality doesn’t match the perfect plan. Things that should work don’t. Things that we didn’t even think about are now biting us in the you-know-what and bringing about an entirely different result.

I contend that it’s impossible to plan so precisely as to avoid negatives contingencies.

And it’s particularly hard to plan when you’re the only one sitting in those planning sessions.

Planning is best when it’s a team sport. Put people on the team who think differently than you. If you’re a driver personality, grab an analytical and put them on the team. Let them all express themselves.

And then find some people on the outside that you trust to challenge your plan while it’s still on paper. Encourage them to point out pitfalls they see… to tell the truth… to ask why… and to point out alternatives that they see.

Remember, don’t sell them on your plan. This is a time of listening and learning. Let them shoot holes… encourage them to rip it apart... insist on honesty.

In all practicality, you can’t and won’t take all the advice. Pick and choose. Then go back to your plan, refine it, and get on with it!
P.S. Professional coaches with business and marketing backgrounds can be extremely helpful in this regard. Put one in the planning session… just for the fun of it!

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