Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Escaping Our Past

They say we can never escape our past.

When people ask, “Gil, what did you do before you got into business coaching?” (…and they invariably do), I say, “Marketing… specifically lead generation.

Their ears pop up and they want to know more. With good reason, too, because every business needs lead generation. But most ordinary lead-generating approaches are dull. They don’t do the job… as evidenced by the lack of response or the poor-quality leads they produce (or don’t produce).

Then they ask, “What kind of lead generation?”

I answer that I specialize on working with and helping businesses that have special needs when it comes to prospecting. These are businesses that face lengthy and complex sales cycles… have hefty price tags or expenditures associated with the products or services they deliver… live in a highly competitive marketplace… and sell products or services that traditionally require a relationship.

One thing leads to another and they say, “Would you have time to talk to us about our situation?”

To which I say, “Of course. I always have time to talk lead generation.”

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