Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The "Busy" Trap

Being busy is a trap.

Being very busy –– so busy that you can’t take time to work on your business –– is an even bigger trap.

When you don’t have time to think… to plan… to organize… to work out ways to accomplish more in less time and with less effort… and when you don’t have time to think about how you can make more money or take a day with your family, you are in a crisis mode.

There’s only so long a person can live at a pace that is so demanding and all consuming. Ultimately, something has to give. A 12-ounce glass holds only 12 ounces of liquid.

As with almost every problem, there are solutions to this one as well.

The first step is a willingness to change… to look for ways to do what you’re doing better and more efficiently.

Many people can’t get passed this because they can’t visualize how to do it differently or better. They add it to their list of personal to-dos that is already too long – the list that somehow never gets shorter.

When they are willing and able to step outside of believing that they must personally solve this problem and engage the services of a coach or mentor, things can and do change. The mere activity of sharing and discussing business challenges is often all that’s needed as a catalyst for significant change.

When that coach or mentor helps keep the business owner or professional focused and on track, things invariably take a turn for the better.

It all comes back to willingness on the part of the business owner or professional to change. If you can say, “I’m willing to change” (or even “I think I’m willing to change”) you can change.

© 2007 Gil Effron

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