Saturday, April 18, 2009

Talk To Lots Of People Every Day

Of all the activities that can make or break any business owner, the willingness to talk to lots of people is the one I see as most critical.

It stands to reason that if you sit behind your desk waiting for the phone to ring, it won’t.

But the willingness to be proactive… to reach out to as many people as you can… is the one way – perhaps the only way – that good things happen (regardless of the state of the economy).

The key is, to talk to lots of people every day. Attend networking events. Use social media to reconnect with old friends and business acquaintances. Never eat lunch alone.

Tell friends, neighbors, church members, store owners, about your business… and what you’re doing to help people. This doesn’t mean that you have to sell to them. To the contrary, you just need to talk to them.

And, above all, when you’re out there talking to lots of people, remember that talking should be only 20% of your conversation… and listening should be 80%... because the more you listen, the more you learn.

Perhaps the headline of this posting should be "Listen To Lots Of People Every Day."

Friday, April 3, 2009

Late For Dinner

When you arrive late for dinner, you may miss out. The good stuff could be gone and you’re left with only soggy green beans and red Jello.

Being a relatively latecomer to social media such as LinkedIn, I thought I’d be missing out.

Through the past several weeks, however, I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter when you arrive… just so you do arrive. There are no dates to indicate when you joined and no counter to track how long you’ve been a member. Everyone at all times is on an equal playing field.

Of course, some people use social media better than others. But that really has nothing to do with how long you’ve been using it. Some have more contacts than others. That, too, I'm finding, is irrelevant in making it work for you.

And, as in the case of many departments of our lives, practice makes perfect. So, once a skeptic, I am now a believer!