Friday, March 13, 2009

My Take On What To Do During These Crazy Economic Times

Several weeks ago I had the pleasure of speaking with the member of the NYC chapter of the Society of Environmental Graphic Designers (SEGD). My talk with them was based on a report that I created about 2 months ago entitled:

7 Critical Mistakes Business Owners Are Likely To Make In The Toughest Economic Turnaround Since 1929… and how to avoid them!

I get a lot of positive feedback about this report and I'm happy to share it with anyone who asks... as well as those who haven't yet asked.

You can obtain a copy of this report now. Click here and to download a PDF. Let me know if you find it helpful or inspiring in any way. The good people at SEGD found it helpful. It sparked a lot of conversation, questions, and sharing of ideas.

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