Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Working Too Hard!

I've never been an early adopter.

When I saw yellow Number 2 pencil in elementary school, that seemed a perfect answer to me. No need to look for anything more.

Then, when I started using a typewriter for the first time, I couldn't think that anything could ever replace it. So when the computer came along, I resisted. Obviously, at one point I jumped on board and, as you can see, here I am... and I'm a whiz bang at it in many respects.

For the longest time I resisted what's called "social media." I'm learning now that this is the marketing world of the future.

I'm also learning that it's not enough simply to understand it intellectually. One has to jump in and get ones hands dirty, so to speak. So as of yesterday, I jumped in... attending a seminar yesterday conducted by Hilary Topper at HJMT Communications. I worked on my LinkedIn page. I started LinkedIn about 3 years ago, but didn't do much with it. Last night was full speed ahead. After this, it's on to Facebook... whatever that is! (I can do it. I have a face!)

One of the other topics of the seminar was blogging. And as you can see from my last posting some time ago, it's been a while. I learned that blogging isn't supposed to be letter perfect. I learned that blogging is a way for people to get to know who you are, how you think, and what you're doing. I was working too hard trying to impress people with my prose.

Here I am. The newly improved and considerably more casual-about-writing blogger. I'm off to a good start with this, too. Here's my first posting of my new approach to blogging. Faster to publish and not lettr perfect. (See what I mean?)

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