Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Parade, NYC

It was a great day for a parade and... drats... I missed it. It wasn't as though I was standing on the wrong street corner. I was chained to my desk getting ready for two days out and about.

Fortunately, during my lunch break I was able to catch about 15 minutes of the parade on television. Of course, it's never the same. But it looked like a nice day to find a sunny spot along 5th Avenue and watch the Irish celebrate their day.

Daylight savings time is here. This coming Friday is the first day of spring. For a former Floridian, I'm glad... because I'm telling you I can't wait another minute.

My promise to myself when (and if) spring ever arrives is to catch a few more parades... and take a day here or there to attend one of the many New York street festivals... or just to sit in Bryant Park during lunch and feel the warmth of the sun and watch the rest of New York emerge gently from hibernation... and parade around the park without their winter coats and without their winter hats and without their winter gloves.

Go green!

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