Saturday, March 28, 2009

Remind Me To Remind You!

My friend Gary Anzalone invited me to be the “guest speaker” at his mastermind group last Friday. As you might expect from a group that has been meeting monthly for about three years, the eight members of the group know each other extremely well.

Suffice it to say these serious-about-winning business owners know it all. They’ve discussed just about everything from marketing and sales pipelines to Michael Gerber, Sun Tzu, goal setting, and accountability.

I talked for about an hour and covered three major topics that I’m sure they’ve heard before. Feeling a little badly that I couldn’t bring anything really new to the table, I apologized to Gary.

He reminded me that everyone in business already knows everything and has "heard it all"… but needs to be reminded constantly. If they’re not reminded... and reminded often... they drift off course.

Gary said he was grateful that I touched on things that brought the entire group back to basics regarding accountability… reminding them why they’re in business… and balancing surviving today’s economy with planning for tomorrow.

Gary nailed it. We do know what we need to do. But we are often distracted by the crisis du jour. And by the time we’ve lined up several days or weeks of crises du jour, not only are we off course, but we have forgotten what the main course is.

So remind yourself to remind yourself to focus on the basics. Or remind me to remind you.

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