Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm Now "The Expert"

Everytime I turn around, someone is talking about social media. So far, I've been happy with "unsocial media." But now it's time to change... to get with the times. Time for an old dog to learn new tricks.

So, for the past two weeks I've been digging in to social media. First LinkedIn and now Facebook. My rationale, after attending a program sponsored by Hilary Topper, is that I just have to jump in and work with it... get to understand how it works... what it does... and what makes it work.

LinkedIn is logical and orderly... and I relate to that. I can also see its relevance to people like me who are in business. Facebook is more of a challenge. I don't understand the logic. But I'm getting there. And I do have a few friends. It's a start.

Part of my digging in has been to invite people... to connect with others I know... in order to build my network.

By reaching out to "old friends," I'm now getting calls from these old friends asking ME to help them. I'm working through this trial and error. That's how I'm doing it, but they don't know that. Doesn't matter. Now, they see me as the expert and are asking me for help.

I feel like the student teacher trying to stay one lesson ahead of the students.

I'll be heading up to Norwalk, Connecticut and the University of Phoenix Campus next Thursday. Part of the activity is to attend another workshop on the subject... this one sponsored by Gotham City Networking.

1 comment:

Jay Martin said...

Gil, what you may not realize yet is that this very blog you are writing is social media. You are producing content for the consumption of the social space on the net. In the "old" days, corporations and media produced the content, and we as individuals/customers consumed it with little questioning. Now, look around to almost any corner and crevice of the net, and you'll see content produced by "every man" and people are trusting that content, often, more than that which is produced by large media outlets. You, Gil, are producing content people want, so you are a social media participant.